(This is a reprint of a guest post I submitted to the Ordinary Times blog a while back. I have edited it, mostly for clarity, but if you want to read the original and the comments (which are now closed), please click here. Tod Kelly at the league came up with the title, which I think is a good one.)
Joseph Epstein has written a defense of the military draft at The Atlantic online. In
that article, he rehashed the points generally raised in favor of the
draft. But those points are not as strong as he thinks they are and
they fail to address some critical objections to the draft.
We are probably all familiar with the arguments Epstein uses to
argue for the draft. He says the draft would make policymakers more
careful about committing soldiers abroad. He suggests that a truly
universal draft would foster a sense of shared sacrifice among
Americans, improve the military, and function as a social mixer,
bringing together rich and poor, educated and uneducated, Gentile and
Jew (and atheist?),* black and white, and so forth.
The “truly universal” in my previous sentence does a lot of work,
and Epstein doesn’t utter the phrase. But it is the necessary component
of what he advocates (“[a] truly American military, inclusive of all
social classes….”). He presumably would not have approved of the
“substitute” system of the Civil War, through which a draftee of means
could hire a “substitute” in order to avoid service. He is critical of
deferments during the Vietnam era, stating they made Vietnam “the first
of our wars to be fought almost exclusively by an American underclass
and, in part because of this, at no time did it have anything like the
full support of the American people.”
His arguments don’t convince me. Let’s take what I believe to be
his strongest point, namely, the egalitarian potential of compelling
people from different backgrounds to work with each other. I can’t
dismiss that point altogether. My only ready anecdatum runs in support
of what Epstein says. The father of a friend of mine was drafted to
serve in Vietnam. He says he entered the military a conservative racist
and came out a pro-civil rights liberal. (I’m paraphrasing my friend’s
own paraphrasing of what his father said. Take the dose of salt you
deem appropriate.) I can’t deny that a “truly universal” draft might
very well foster a sense of mutual understanding via interaction. And
my own leveling instinct takes a certain pleasure in seeing some people
(other people, not me, of course!) being knocked down a few pegs and
compelled to work with their supposed inferiors.
But still, I’m skeptical. If one person becomes more broad-minded
by working with a diverse group of people, I can imagine another type of
person for whom familiarity fosters a hyper-tribalism of the sort that
says, “I’ve worked with those people and believe you me, you
don’t want to know them.” Okay, there will always be incorrigibles
among us and maybe most people—maybe even most incorrigibles—really do
soften their own bigotries by working with others.
I’m also skeptical because a “truly universal” draft is a fantasy,
even when there is little likelihood of escaping service altogether. If
it’s not hiring substitutes or winning deferments, it can be having
connections to get you into the National Coast Guard Reserve, it can be
having the social capital, intelligence, or skills to get the type of
job that keeps you more out of danger. What about conscientious
objector status? Well, if we are to have a draft, I’d want there to be
C.O. provisions, and I’d want access to those provisions to be expansive
ones. But then the draft is not truly universal (and C.O. status, as I
understand, is hard to secure anyway, and someone with legal
representation—read: social capital and real capital, or being born
into a religious tradition that disavows violence—would have a much
better shot at it).
But as I said, that was Epstein’s strongest point and I can’t dismiss it altogether. It reminds me of a very thoughtful comment ScarletNumbers made a
while back in response to one of my posts on neoliberalism: “I would
still rather have a Fortunate Son serve in an ‘easy’ position in the
military as a draftee, rather not be in the military at all” (asterisk
omitted). Even in an unfair system, some service for all is fairer than
some people getting off free. And ScarletNumbers might have also added
that in modern warfare, the “‘easy’ position” is not always safe or
easy. (My uncle was “only” a mechanic in the military in World War II,
and he had very disturbing memories of what he saw and underwent,
especially during the Battle of the Bulge.) And at any rate, because
non-combat positions outnumber actual “combat” positions, there is a
strong likelihood that any given draftee would have the supposedly
“easy” position.
But that last point—non-combat positions outnumbering actual combat
positions—feeds into my critique of what I take to be Epstein’s weaker
point, the notion that a truly universal draft would convince our
policymakers to be more careful before committing soldiers to
action. Because non-combat positions, which are supposedly “safer,”
outnumber combat positions and because (I suspect) “only” a small
percentage of people in actual combat positions suffer debilitating
physical wounds, a policymaker might very well believe the odds are
pretty good in favor his or her loved ones in the military, coming out
I suppose that because we’ve never had a truly universal draft, I
don’t really have a basis of comparison for Eptstein’s claim that
policymakers would be more careful with their use of the military. But I
will point out that Truman committed US soldiers to Korea pretty
quickly even though there was a draft. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,
which occurred during a time when the draft was in force and which
empowered President Johnson to wage the Vietnam War, passed the Senate with only two dissents, fewer dissents than the authorization to invade Iraq in 1991 and 2002.
And then there’s World War II. I admit, it lends support to
Epstein’s point. That is so not only because of the sense of shared
sacrifice Americans supposedly felt during the war, but also because
before Pearl Harbor there was fairly strong, albeit eroding, opposition
to entering the conflict, and FDR had a hard time convincing the US to
go to war. Maybe what opposition there was to entry owed something to the fact that the draft had already been implemented in 1940? Even so, the “Good War” was, I hope, exceptional, as noted by the tendency to call it “good,” as if wars by definition are presumptively bad. If a similar conflict arises, or if, as in a hypothetical commenter Roger once offered, the Mongols are surrounding the city gates, I’ll be prepared to reopen the debate, at least as it applies to that conflict.**
But that debate will have to account for one objection that
Epstein—who says that “[a]rguments against the draft…are mostly
technical”—declines to address. Compulsory military service meets my
common-sense definition (but apparently, not the Supreme Court’s
definition) of “involuntary servitude.” It requires a person to put his
life on hold for a time—I believe the standard term of service was two
years during the Cold War Era draft—and while in service, that person
can be ordered to put his life in danger. And I believe involuntary servitude is wrong, unless it is the punishment for a crime for which someone has been duly convicted. And even without the Thirteenth Amendment, I’d still believe it would be wrong.
True, the draft is not chattel slavery. But it is compulsory
service, and if someone who would otherwise not choose to serve is
compelled to serve or to face harsh consequences for not serving, then
his service is involuntary.
The chief argument against my “involuntary servitude” point is to
draw an analogy to jury duty or to the United States’ history of militia
service. And while I don’t fully sign on to Vikram Bath’s argument against analogies,
I’ll point out the differences between military conscription and jury
and militia service. For most people called to jury duty, the process
lasts only one day unless they are empanelled. For most people who are
empanelled, the duty lasts only about a week. For only a small number,
the duty may last months. And only in very rare, Grisham-style,
circumstances is a juror’s life ever in danger. (Am I wrong? I admit I
don’t have a cite, but I do ask for the proof.)
Militia duty, when it’s not just an opportunity for homosocial male
conviviality, is regular training for the possibility that the local
community, or perhaps the country, might be invaded or imminently
threatened in some way. I’m not in principle opposed to militia duty
defined that way. But even then, I’d want the threat to be
imminent. And if the Mongols*** truly are at the city’s gates, I’d want
to be sure that a tribute to pay them to go away is not a possibility
before I’d admit to the state’s authority to compel my or anyone else’s
Whether in the moment I’d have the courage of my convictions
to refuse to serve—or more likely, given my less-than-draftable age of
41, to help others refuse to serve—is another issue.
*Yes, I’m aware that Jewishness is as much an ethnicity as it is a
creed, but Epstein’s example—a sergeant berating his Christian soldiers
to go to Church and his “Hebrew” soldiers to honor the Sabbath—focuses
on the creedal aspect of Jewishness.
**For the record, I believe Roger was arguing against compulsory service, stating that his hypothetical situation rarely arises.
***It probably needs to be said that I mean no offense to Mongolians
or people with Mongolian roots. I also realize the “Mongol horde” was
not what European and Chinese myth has made it out to be and according
to one interpretation, seems to have fit in a pattern of China’s
relationship with its neighbors to its North. See Thomas J. Barfield’s The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China, 221 B.C. to A.D. 1757. (1989)
The USA accepted a military draft in the Civil War, World War One and World War Two because, at the time, a majority of the American public believed these wars were right and necessary for the preservation of the Republic.
The Korean War and the Vietnam War were unpopular because a majority of Americans did not see them as right and necessary. If they had, there would have been just as much support as for the supposed "good wars."
The case for the draft from a peace standpoint is that it will make wars unpopular unless Americans see them as necessary for the defense of the Republic.
Hi Phil,
Thanks for commenting. (And by the way, I've been reading your blog and enjoy it quite a bit.)
I do agree that there was more agreement for the draft during the first three wars you mention, although as you probably know, the agreement wasn't universal. One of the reasons for the NY draft riots was opposition to the war and the draft. Another source of opposition was the exemptions (in the South) for slaveholders and provisions that enabled people to purchase "substitutes" (in the North and I believe in the South as well).
WWI had its share of draft opposition from some radical groups (the wobblies), although you're right that there seemed to have been a lot of support. WWII, of course, probably had as near universal support as a war can have.
I get the peace argument you mention in the last paragraph. But I'm not convinced that it's as compelling as some of its advocates believe. It didn't prevent Korea or Vietnam. However, in support of the peace argument, perhaps the existence of the draft fed pressure to end those wars quickly and encouraged politicians to speak as if they would end them or at least not expand them (Eisenhower's "I will go to Korea" in 1952, LBJ's "no wider war" in 1964, and Nixon's "Peace with honor" in 1968).
Anyway, thanks for your comment.
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