Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My recent absence from blogging

I've not blogged as much in the last month or so as before because (gasp!) I've actually been doing my job: I've been writing my dissertation. I'll probably not blog as much as before until I finish my current chapter, but once in a while, I might wend my way over here.

For the record, my dissertation topic is about "antitrust policy as it may or may not have applied to coal dealers in the Chicago and Toronto areas from 1880 to 1939." So if you have ever had any pressing questions about that particular topic, waiting with baited breath for someone, anyone, to ask, I'm your man!


Laura(southernxyl) said...

So was coal dealing a dog-eat-dog kind of racket? I'm guessing it was.

Gabriel Conroy said...

Hi Laura,

Nice to hear from you!

The short answer is yes, and at least in Chicago, the teamsters union was involved, which always makes for an interesting story.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

I'm guessing that wherever money was changing hands, certain parties involved themselves one way or another.

Money transactions are kind of like ecological niches, aren't they, for organizations that evolve to identify them and leech off of them.